Outdoor Discoveries

What originally was a news section for the rest of the website soon became a place for me to write about human-powered wanderings in the countryside. Photography inspires me to get out there, mostly on foot these days, though cycling got me started. Musings on the wider context of outdoor activity complete the picture, so I hope that there is something of interest in all that you find here. Thank you for coming!

Service interruptions

6th February 2009

Yesterday, it seemed that there were a multitude of occasions when pages on this website failed to load and returned errors instead. Things seem better today but I shall be keeping an eye on things and examining system logs for any clues. I am aware that my hosting provider has a database upgrade in the works for sometime this month so there may be downtime yet. However, yesterday’s performance does make me wonder whether some tinkering has been going on already.

Update 2009-02-06: I got another page load error earlier so the need to investigate has climbed further up the to do list.

Update 2008-02-09: I gave my host’s helpdesk a "poke" over the weekend and things seemed to behave better yesterday. Fingers crossed…

Update 2008-02-11: That database upgrade mentioned above will be taking place overnight between 00:00 GMT and 06:00 GMT. Since the relevant server will be offline for some of that time (two hours and thirty minutes at most) and I don’t fancy encountering a broken site tomorrow, I have gone and swapped things over to an unaffected database to avoid any downtime (I realise that UK visitors will be in their beds but visitors come from elsewhere too). After all is over, I’ll go looking at putting things back as they were before the changes.

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