Outdoor Discoveries

What originally was a news section for the rest of the website soon became a place for me to write about human-powered wanderings in the countryside. Photography inspires me to get out there, mostly on foot these days, though cycling got me started. Musings on the wider context of outdoor activity complete the picture, so I hope that there is something of interest in all that you find here. Thank you for coming!


21st February 2022

Recently, I noticed that this website felt a bit sluggish so I moved it to a new server in a lift and shift operation. This was another act in a spurt of website tinkering that is ongoing. Alternatives to WordPress and Drupal are being tried so I am examining Hugo and Django along with any other tools that come my way.

Of these, Hugo has been used in a few of my websites this year and my public transport website was one of them. While its overhaul did mean moving to a static website, automated building along with added speed and security were among the advantages of making the change. This route is a technical one but I am largely happy with the changeover and have used the same approach for other websites as well.

While other websites are being overhauled, any changes to this website will happen organically. Its use of WordPress, TextPattern, Bootstrap and other technologies will remain. Where there is a need to change things, Django offers other possibilities so they could get assessed as well. Otherwise, the main priority of sharing experiences and inspirations remains so these will appear as they come my way.


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