Varied Surroundings

There is more to being human than travelling around the world sampling its many delights, and recent reading has taken me deeper into subjects like philosophy. Though I am a scientist by training, the humanities continue to appeal to me, and various life events have led me to explore them more than otherwise might have been the case. That is now the main thrust of what you find here, along with other things that have a use in navigating life’s journey.


Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

When it comes to the worlds of politics and culture, Scotland often feels like a world away from England. Distance might have a hand in this, but the Scottish independence of mind and its ability to foster different opinions cannot be discounted either. Once you get up there, the obsessions of the English media no longer seem so near, and its Scottish counterpart purveys its own fare. Like anywhere else, media outlets are national or local, and there's a goodly number of the latter kind too. So, here you'll find collated those that I have found already. There may be more that I have missed, and there's always the link for sending a private message to me above if there's any that fall into this category.

National News

Apart from the offering from the BBC, there are also two major Scottish national daily newspapers. Incidentally, the first is from Edinburgh, while the second is published in Glasgow. Their English counterparts also appear north of the border but, for reasons that should not surprise you, the Scottish content of these is not as strong. In addition, I have added links for those seeking news pertinent to individual local areas: just use the additional scroll bar to see what's here.

Local News: Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire & Moray

Local News: Argyll & Bute

Local News: Ayrshire & Renfrewshire

Local News: Borders

Local News: Dumfries & Galloway

Local News: Dundee & Angus

Local News: Edinburgh & Lothians

Local News: Fife & Perthshire

Local News: Glasgow & Lanarkshire

Glasgow World

Local News: Highlands & Islands

Local News: Orkney & Shetland

Local News: Stirlingshire, Clackmannanshire & Dunbartonshire