Looking along Tongue Gill towards Grisedale Hause, Grasmere, Cumbria, England

Looking along Tongue Gill towards Grisedale Hause, Grasmere, Cumbria, England

Though I have passed this way a few times, there were a number of firsts on the occasion when the above scene was photographed. Firstly, I was coming downhill after walking over St. Sunday Crag from Patterdale; all other occasions have seen me go the other way. Also, I chose the path by Rowan's Ground instead of that via Little Tongue to gain something of a gentler descent instead of the lung and leg busting ascents that I have undertaken by the other route.

The different route may have gained me a better viewpoint too on what had become a hot sunny afternoon. Seat Sandal takes up the left while Fairfield and Great Rigg occupy the right. Grisedale Hause itself is a little obscured by the lower slopes of Fairfield while the gash occupied by Tongue Gill cannot be missed. At this stage, my mind might have been occupied by needing to get to Grasmere ahead of commencing my journey home, but the walk had been a good one, and it was a pleasure to revisit old haunts too. That cannot be overdone with our climate since the day before was a grey wet one, a complete contrast to those that followed it.

See more photos from this album (Lake District)