Along with the BBC, here is a selection of websites associated with what are regarded as the quality daily English newspapers. To get news for your local area, just use the navigation bar below. The BBC also has sections for local news.
There is more to being human than travelling around the world sampling its many delights, and recent reading has taken me deeper into subjects like philosophy. Though I am a scientist by training, the humanities continue to appeal to me, and various life events have led me to explore them more than otherwise might have been the case. That is now the main thrust of what you find here, along with other things that have a use in navigating life’s journey.
For an Irishman accustomed to such things barely changing, the cavalier approach to local authority areas that is abroad in the U.K. is little short of amazing, and England has borne much of the brunt of various reorganisations since the 1970's. That makes the categorisation of local new outlets by borough or county a much trickier undertaking than it had the right to be. Collating the national newspapers is a far simpler task than when you go local. There may be designs on taking away the feel of a big, long list from what's below, but it has yet to happen. In the interests of getting something set in place, I went for the less friendly approach, and other things have got in the way of those plans since then. There may be a lot of scrolling, but I hope that something of use is to be found.
Along with the BBC, here is a selection of websites associated with what are regarded as the quality daily English newspapers. To get news for your local area, just use the navigation bar below. The BBC also has sections for local news.