This image was made during one of the "green" winters that we were prone to having in the early years of the century; they may have accentuated the argument for global warming. Nevertheless, the sight of streak of hard snow cannot be missed in the above photo and there were hard frozen slopes too. In fact, a patch of black ice was set to catch me out later on the same day and guarantee some soreness on the way home. It just goes to demonstrate the need to be careful even when snow is less likely to be encountered.
What you are seeing above is a view over a stone wall towards Low Pike and High Pike on the way to High Sweden Bridge. From there, I continued up to Scandale Pass before descending Caiston Glen where I had my little slip. In failing light, I followed the road back to Kirkstone Pass and descended to Ambleside again via The Struggle. It was just as well that it was a well moonlit night because I later found that my torch wasn't working, another valuable lesson that I learnt that day. Even with the decent light, the journey into Ambleside took what felt like an eternity, but I suppose that's how it is when you feel the need to get home, and you are dependent on public transport to do so.
See more photos from this album (Lake District)