The trouble with making photos on or near the top of a hill is that you need more foreground interest to cut down on the amount of sky that end up getting. If you have a sky with interesting clouds, there is no need to worry as much about this, but I got a clear blue sky typical of a crisp dry sunny January day. It did have some clouds but not enough that I probably should have crouched lower for this photo, but that's for another time now. Clarity did bring its benefits though and Blencathra's unmistakeable profile is to be glimpsed towards the right of the picture while Raise and its neighbouring fells make up the left and centre of the image. When looking at the full size version of this photo, I was able to make out Lonsdale Fell too, so I am left wondering if Skiddaw is poking up its rounded head over the fells nearer to Place Fell and I didn't think of that possibility until I had another look. Photos can hold many unperceived things that need more than a single viewing to spot.
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