The walk that I undertook while in Landmannalaugar (pronunciation: land-mann-ah-loo-arr) taught me a lot and having a GPS receiver now strikes me as very useful. The rocky hill you see in the photo is the same one over which I walked and uncovered to me the lack of reassuring detail provided by a 1:100000 scale map. The Icelandic Touring Association hut was selling higher resolution versions so, in hindsight, I should have got one of them. The day certainly was a learning experience and had its brighter moments too when scenes like the one above delighted me whenever the sun broke through the grey clouds. In fact, such was my enjoyment of these interludes that I forfeited my planned return bus departure for Reykjavík not to be rushing away. As it happens, being ten minutes earlier might have kept me on schedule, but these matters are mere trifles compared to other things in life.
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