There was a time when railways criss-crossed the Isle of Man but only a few seasonal ones remain now, mainly as heritage attractions for visitors to the island. First, there are steam train services on the line between Douglas and Port Erin and the volunteer-run Groudle Glen Railway. There are electric services too in the form of the Manx Electric Railway between Douglas and Ramsey together with the Snaefell Mountain Railway that starts up the island's highest point from the village of Laxey. More properly, the electric railways are classified as tramways and the Manx Electric Railway certainly fits this profile with its sixty stops.
There once was a railway line between Douglas and Peel, and it was the first opened on the island by the Isle of Man Railway, lasting from 1874 until 1968. Even now, there is talk of restoring it and the route has been preserved should the possibility become reality. Even so, what was Peel Station has become part of the House of Manannan heritage centre and a new station would be needed at St. John's, so restoration would not be solely a case of bringing back what existed before. For now though, the trackbed is a walking trail and the photo shows part of near Peel with the River Neb to the left. The surrounding trees make it a pleasant way to go too.
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