This image comes a walk from Peebles to Broughton along the John Buchan Way on Easter Monday in 2017. There had been a plan to spend from Holy Thursday to Easter Tuesday inclusive around Edinburgh but life events delayed my arrival until Holy Saturday instead. Easter Sunday was wet, and I spent some time around Glen Sax in an unfulfilled hope of better weather. The damp conditions probably mirrored how I felt at the time, but better weather on Easter Monday was the more soothing, especially when surroundings looked like they do in the above photo that was made on the way down to Stobo from Glack Hope. The air was warming as I made my way through ever wilder surroundings before the decision of a life matter the next day. All worked out well in the end, and I am left with memories of a grand day of hiking.
See more photos from this album (Southern Uplands & Borders)