Barranco de Valle Luis, Parque Rural de Anaga, Tenerife, Spain

Barranco de Valle Luis, Parque Rural de Anaga, Tenerife, Spain

When most go to Tenerife, they typically go to the south-west of the island or maybe to Puerto de la Cruz on it north coast but few go to the northeastern corner where I spent most of my time on the island. In some ways, this is a greener part, and it is usefully quiet too, so solitary strolls are a possibility though you can meet the occasional talkative wanderer who frequents the place every day. The vegetation reflects the dryness of the climate in that larger versions of cacti that my late mother had as pot plants are everywhere to be seen with rosette and prickly pear shapes on show. You only have to make sure that you do not pick up one of their thorns as I might have done, necessitating the purchase of a set of tweezers for removing the unwanted guest.

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