You cannot go to San Francisco and not go to see the Golden Gate Bridge. The bridge is iconic, and it helps that its situation is scenic to boot. However, it often gets beset by fog, so some patience is needed if you want to photograph it in sunshine like you see here. Of course, there might some interesting images possible when you have fog as well.
This scene was inspired by a sighting while on the bus from Sausalito to San Francisco after spending the day around John Muir Woods National Monument. Instead of continuing to San Francisco as planned, I disembarked near the toll plaza and walked over and back across the bridge.
That may have meant that I needed to endure the racket generated by the passing traffic, but it was worth it when I gained views like this one. To my mind, the summit that is peering up in the background may be Mount Sutro or even Mount San Bruno, which just goes to show what you can see here.
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